Here's the Dish

healthy ANDI licious

Cherry Cocoa Almond Smoothie April 20, 2013

Cherry Cocoa Almond SmoothieCherry Cocoa Almond Smoothie
with vanilla extract & creamy almond butter

Indulge & be fit! Cater to your cocoa craving with this lux fruity creation.


-3/4 cup frozen dark cherries (preferably without added sugar)
– 1 small frozen banana (peel & freeze the night before)
-1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder (not “Dutch” processed-if possible as this makes for a milder flavor but strips out some antioxidants)
– 1 tsp almond butter
– 1 cup unsweetened almond milk (less for a thicker smoothie)
– 1/2 tsp vanilla extract


Peel and freeze the banana at least 4 hours in advance. If you make smoothies often, keep some frozen ready to go.

Blend ingredients until smoothie and serve immediately. Enjoy!

Naturally dairy-free, gluten-free, & soy-free. For a nut-free version swap the almond butter for 1 tsp coconut oil and use coconut milk instead of almond milk. If you’re subbing in coconut milk, opt for the carton variety found in the refrigerated grocery store aisle rather than the higher-fat canned variety.


Spiced Sweet Potato Smoothie May 5, 2012

Warm flavors and aroma of sweet potato, nutmeg, and cinnamon combine with cool, sweet frozen banana and silky almond milk.

I have moved this recipe to my new website! You will find it at Enjoy!


Carrot Cinnamon Smoothie January 22, 2012

Carrots Smoothie- topped with Cinnamon & Ground Flax

Carrot Cinnamon Smoothie
with Strawberry & Mango

Serves 2

-4 oz 100% carrot juice
-3 large frozen organic strawberries
-1 fresh banana
-1/2 cup almond milk
-1/2 cup frozen mango chunks
-1/2 tsp cinnamon
-dash of turmeric

-dash of cinnamon
-pinch of ground flaxseed
-a few carrot shreds (optional)


1) Blend until smooth.

2) Top with ground cinnamon and ground flaxseed.

Nutrition Highlights: This smoothie is high in Vitamin A. Carrot juice is lower in sugars than many fruit juices and is used as an accent to the fruit and calcium-containing almond milk. Cinnamon and turmeric have valuable anti-inflammatory properties, adding to the health value of this smoothie without tarnishing the refreshing taste. Turmeric pairs well with sweet and tangy mango and cinnamon pairs well with the the radiant carrot flavor.


Pineapple Banana Mango Smoothie January 9, 2011

Pineapple Banana Mango Smoothie

Take a tropical escape with this Pineapple Banana Mango Smoothie: Fresh banana, frozen pineapple, frozen mango, unsweetened coconut milk.

Customize It
To amp up the protein add a few spoonfuls of unsweetened fat-free yogurt. Trying to get more greens? Toss in a few spoonfuls of fresh or frozen spinach. You’ll never taste it with the flavor of sweet, tangy, pineapple dominating the drink.

Nutrition Highlight: Pineapple is a very rich source of vitamin C and is a mildly anti-inflammatory food. To get the most nutritional bang for your buck be sure to look for the unsweetened kind when buying frozen. The fruit has plenty of natural sweetness without adding extra.


Pineapple Blueberry Banana Smoothie December 11, 2010

Filed under: From the Kitchen — thegreatplate @ 9:32 am
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Pineapple Blueberry Banana Smoothie: Banana, frozen pineapple bits, frozen blueberries, plain non-fat yogurt, unsweetened almond milk


Healthy Dessert 2: Hot Banana with Dark Chocolate & Cocoa October 27, 2010

A little bit of dark chocolate goes a long way, making this dessert taste wonderful and indulgent but weigh in at barely 200 calories!

Healthy Dessert: Hot Banana with Dark Chocolate and Cocoa

This delicious hot dessert combines a fresh banana, dark chocolate (60% cocoa or higher), and unsweetened cocoa powder.

Try it at Home:

Place one medium sized banana on a microwave-safe plate. Slice down the middle and sprinkle in about 1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder. Add a few small pieces of dark chocolate. (A little bit of chocolate goes a long way once the dessert is melted. I used about 1/16 or 1 square of a chocolate bar here). Pop in the microwave for 45 seconds on high. Grab a fork and enjoy!

Nutrition Highlights:

If you follow the directions above, your treat will be about 200 calories. The banana is a good source of potassium, manganese, fiber and vitamin C and an excellent source of vitamin B6. The unsweetened cocoa powder is naturally fat-free and provides fiber and a good source of copper and manganese.

Other great toppings to add: Chopped nuts (such as pecans or walnuts), wheat germ, dried oats.  The amounts and types of toppings you use will change the calories and nutrients.