Here's the Dish

healthy ANDI licious

Breakfast: Cucumber Dill Cottage Cheese & Salmon Slices April 21, 2011

Ah Passover, a time to gather with family and friends, remember history, re-tell stories,  to celebrate freedom and to bring awareness to those who lack freedom today.  While it may not be a big part of the holiday, I do think that Passover is also a great time to celebrate creativity. Yes, you can do a lot with matzo during the eight-day bread-fast, but there are also plenty of great foods where no bread-substitute is needed.  This morning I wanted something fresh and filling.

The Dish: Cucumber Dill Cottage Cheese & Salmon Slices
Paired with: A raspberry, blueberry, banana smoothie

– Smoked Salmon
– 1/3 cucumber sliced & peeled
– fat-free (or low-fat) cottage cheese
1 pinch Parmesan cheese
fresh parsley
– fresh or dried dill

Cut off serving of cucumber (about 1/3 per person) and peel. Slice into thin bite-sized pieces and add a spoonful of low-fat or fat-free cottage cheese. Dust with Parmesan and fresh or dried dill. Top with parsley leaves and smoked salmon. Serve fresh.

I used a dusting of turmeric here but would replace this next time with a hint ground black pepper. Green onion shavings or capers would also be delicious with this dish. If you have fresh dill that would be more flavorful but dried works fine as well.

On a side note, kudos to Yuri at the TCS board meeting last night for playing “A Rugrats Passover” on her laptop while we waited for everyone to arrive!


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