Here's the Dish

healthy ANDI licious

Pumpkin Bread & Plusquamperfectos October 21, 2010

Tufts Dining gave out free pumpkin bread samples baked that morning in Tufts Dining Bake Shop using fresh, local pumpkins.

If you happened to walk by the campus center yesterday around lunch time you were in for a real treat. In addition to the UTEC-run farm stand with fresh local produce and the Danish Pastry House selling its treats, you could enjoy free pumpkin bread samples from Tufts Dining and be serenaded by the fresh, fun sounds of new student band The Pluscquamperfectos.

My camera sound quality hardly does them justice but you can catch a few seconds of them playing here and here.

The student band The Plusquamperfectos played at the market yesterday, attracting a crowd and receiving a warm response from their audience.